Reboot? New Beginning?

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Well its been a long time since I have written on here. Things have changed, I have grown, life has moved forward but something has still been inkling in the back of my mind. My beautiful wife said to me tonight that she was very hopeful of this blog of mine and that she thought I should stick with it.

I thought about this and realized that with everything that has changed in teh past few years that I should give it another go. I do enjoy writing these, sharing my thoughts, my ideas, and our adventures.

I am thinking going forward I will continue to talk about my travels, give travel tips, and share my experiences. I will also go more with the “nerd” side of my webpage and will do some reviews of games I am playing, share some of my photography (that is a separate post and story), and overall share some of my crazy thoughts and experiences.

So to all who have made it this far I hope you are ready for a new adventure with and are prepared to see where this journey will take us. Make sure you send me any suggestions of anything you would like me to touch upon, things to review, or any comments you may have about the blog. Also make sure you tell your friends and family because the more we have on this journey the more fun it will be.